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Insightful Business Statistics: An Essential Knowledge Base for 2024

Today’s rapidly evolving business landscape demands staying abreast with current trends and statistical data. In 2024, businesses will depend more than ever on insightful statistics that can drive decision-making and future strategies. An understanding of these figures is essential to gain a competitive edge and steer business success. Below are some key business statistics that are anticipated to shape the world of commerce in 2024.

The Proliferation of E-commerce

With digital technology becoming more accessible, e-commerce has been on an accelerated journey. By 2024, it is estimated that:

  • Global e-commerce sales will reach $6.5 trillion, up from $3.5 trillion in 2019
  • Nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide will be shopping online
  • Mobile commerce or m-commerce will account for three-quarters of all e-commerce sales

These figures underline the growing importance of a robust digital strategy for businesses hoping to succeed in the e-commerce space.

The Rise of Remote Work

The pandemic triggered a massive shift towards remote work, and this trend isn’t likely to reverse anytime soon. Some critical statistics related to remote work include:

  • By 2024, about half of the global workforce is expected to be working remotely at least once a week
  • Companies that support remote work have reported a 25% lower employee turnover
  • It’s predicted that businesses could save an average of $11,000 annually for each employee who works remotely half-time

It indicates that businesses should invest in technology tools and infrastructure supporting remote work.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has been transforming every aspect of businesses – from customer service to operations management. Key AI predictions for 2024 include:

  • AI’s contribution to the global economy is predicted to reach $15.7 trillion
  • By implementing AI strategies into their operations, businesses can potentially increase profitability by an average of 38%
  • More than 80% of customer interactions will be handled by AI

Business leaders and organizations need to consider AI integration for improved productivity, efficiency, and customer experience.


The Green Economy

As sustainability becomes a business imperative, a rising number of companies are committing to environmentally-friendly practices. The green economy is set to have a significant impact on businesses in the coming years with:

  • The global market for green technology expected to reach $49.36 billion by 2024
  • Businesses that incorporate sustainability into their brand strategy have seen a 20% increase in brand value
  • A predicted 65% of consumers will opt for brands that are sustainable and trustworthy

Going green isn’t just socially responsible; it’s also profitable. Businesses should consider integrating sustainable practices into their operations.

By understanding these business statistics, organizations can develop data-driven strategies to ensure future success. As the old adage goes, “Knowledge is Power,” and in today’s world, powerful business insights lie within statistics.


As the world economy continues to evolve, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in economic growth and job creation. By 2024, SMEs are expected to contribute significantly to global economic development. Understanding their role and impact is vital for policymakers, entrepreneurs, and investors.

Dominance of SMEs in Global Economy

SMEs have become an essential part of the global economy. As of 2024:

  • SMEs constitute more than 90% of all businesses worldwide.
  • In developing economies, SMEs represent about 50% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and over 60% of employment.
  • In developed economies, these percentages are even higher – with SMEs typically accounting for over 55% of GDP and two-thirds of total employment.

Impact on Job Creation

One key area where the impact of SMEs can be seen clearly is on job creation:

  • On average, small businesses generate 65% of new jobs annually worldwide.
  • It is estimated that by 2024, this figure will increase as many economies recover from the COVID pandemic’s effects.

Challenges Faced by SMEs

Despite their significant contribution to the global economy, SMEs face several challenges that hinder their growth:

  • Access to finance: Many small businesses struggle to secure enough capital to start up or expand their operations.
  • Technological advancements: Although technology offers multiple opportunities for business growth, not all SMEs have the capacity or knowledge to leverage it effectively.
  • Regulation and bureaucracy: The complex regulatory environment can be especially challenging for small businesses lacking legal expertise or resources.

The Future Role of SMEs

Looking forward to 2024 and beyond:

  • With the advent of digital platforms like online marketplaces, we expect an increasing number of small enterprises will participate in international trade.
  • As more countries embrace the digital economy, there will be a growing demand for small tech firms that can offer innovative solutions.
  • The role of SMEs in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) cannot be understated. They are key players in promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, providing employment opportunities and reducing income inequalities.

In understanding these statistics, we can appreciate the critical role that SMEs play in economic stability and growth. As we advance towards 2024, it is clear that supporting the development of SMEs needs to remain a high priority for policymakers around the world.


Small businesses continue to play a central role in the economies of both developed and developing nations. Understanding emerging trends in small business owner statistics can provide valuable insights into economic prospects, innovation, and consumer behaviour. This guide will delve into the key trends to look out for in small business owners’ statistics by 2024.

Increasing Business Formation Rates

The global pandemic had a significant impact on economies worldwide, forcing many people into entrepreneurship. The trend of increasing business formation rates is expected to continue through 2024 with the following statistics worth noting:

  • The U.S Census Bureau reported a 77% increase in new business applications from 2019 to 2020.
  • In Australia, new business registrations increased by 24% over the same period.

Entrepreneurs are spotting gaps in the market and using innovation to meet changing needs, leading to this surge.

Rising Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is no longer an option but a necessity for small businesses. The leveraging of technology not only improves operations but also increases customer reach.

  • According to the Global SME Tech Confidence Index report, about 85% of small businesses are investing more in technology.
  • BigCommerce’s report indicates that nearly 80% of SMEs have accelerated their digital plans due to COVID-19.

These figures predict a rising trend of digital adoption among small businesses up until at least 2024.

Increasing Women Ownership

Women ownership is another key trend that keeps growing steadily. More women are stepping up and setting up their ventures leading to economic diversity and empowerment.

  • According to Fundera, women own about 40% of U.S based SMEs as of late-2020.
  • In Canada, women-owned enterprises contributed $148 billion annually to the economy as per Canada’s Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub report.

These figures indicate that female entrepreneurship will remain a key trend through to 2024.

Emphasis on Sustainability

Sustainability has become another key focus for small businesses. Modern consumers are conscious about the environmental impact of products and services, and want to support businesses that align with these values.

  • A survey by Nielsen showed that 73% of global consumers would switch brands if the alternative was more sustainable.
  • According to BDC’s study, 87% of consumers expect companies to invest in sustainability.

This trend underscores the importance of sustainability in small business strategies moving forward.

These trends provide an overview of what we can expect from small business statistics by 2024. By observing these trends, we can gain valuable insights into the changing landscape for small businesses, aiding strategic decision-making and future planning.


As we look into the future of small businesses in 2024, it’s clear that certain statistics will be instrumental in guiding us towards success. By exploring additional small business statistics, we can gain a competitive edge and a comprehensive understanding of the emerging trends and challenges.

Cybersecurity Risk

One of the major challenges faced by small businesses is cybersecurity. As more and more businesses go digital, the risk of cyber-attacks is increasing. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, it’s projected that by 2025, cybercrime will cost businesses globally over $10.5 trillion annually, up from $3 trillion in 2015.

  • It takes most companies about six months to detect a data breach

Cybersecurity should be a top priority for all small businesses moving forward.

Remote Work Statistics

With the advent and continuation of remote work due to pandemic conditions, the workplace as we know it is changing rapidly.

  • 82% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely some of the time as we move forward
  • Businesses can save an average of $11,000 per half-time telecommuter per year
  • Employee satisfaction increases with flexibility—remote workers consider themselves happier than traditional office workers

Remote work isn’t just a trend—it’s fast becoming the new normal.

E-commerce Growth

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, e-commerce has surged substantially and continues to play an increasingly crucial role for many small businesses.

Year E-commerce Sales (in billions)
2019 $3.53
2020 $4.28
Expected by end of 2024 $5.69

Source: eMarketer

Social Media Influence

Social media has become a significant tool in the modern marketing arsenal, and its influence is only expected to grow in upcoming years.

  • As of now, 52% of products are discovered on Facebook
  • Instagram has over 1 billion active users and 200 million visit at least one business profile daily
  • LinkedIn’s B2B lead conversion rates are 3 times higher than other major platforms

Having a strong social media presence can directly impact brand visibility and sales.

By closely studying these statistics and understanding the changing environment, small businesses can prepare themselves better for future challenges. The coming years present both opportunities and difficulties, but armed with data-driven insights, businesses can confidently navigate towards growth and success.


The financial technology (fintech) industry has rapidly progressed over the past decade. As we step into 2024, it is essential for businesses and individuals alike to understand the significant statistics that shape this dynamic industry. Here we will explore key trends, growth projections, and statistics of the fintech sector.


Fintech Adoption Rates

Fintech adoption has been on a consistent upward trajectory globally. EY’s Global Fintech Adoption Index shows an increase from just 16% in 2015 to an astounding 76% in 2019. By the end of 2024, estimates predict that over 90% of global internet users will use at least one fintech service.

Some Key Factors Driving Adoption:

  • Increased awareness of financial products and services.
  • Better customer experience compared to traditional banking services.
  • A growing number of internet users and smartphone owners.

Mobile Payments Projection

Mobile payments are one of the fastest-growing segments within fintech. The number of mobile payment users worldwide is expected to surpass two billion by late-2024 according to Statista data.

Key Factors Driving Mobile Payments:

  • Accelerated shift towards cashless transactions.
  • Increased convenience offered by mobile payment solutions.
  • Rise in e-commerce and online shopping trends.

Rise in Digital Banks Users

Digital banks are revolutionizing how people bank, attracting more customers than ever with their convenience and user-focused approach. According to a study by Accenture, the number of digital bank users in the US alone will reach 89.6 million by 2024.

Increase in Fintech Investments

Investments in fintech have been steadily increasing over the past decade. In 2018, total global fintech investments stood at $111.8 billion across 2,196 deals, according to KPMG’s Pulse of Fintech report. By 2024, the investment landscape has broadened with inflows reaching an estimated $150 billion.

The evolution of fintech is an ongoing process that continues to impact how businesses operate and how consumers manage their finances. By understanding these essential statistics and trends, businesses can strategically position themselves for success in this digital financial era.


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